UMC bishops assign team to supervise Nigeria Episcopal Area

 In consultation with the West Africa College of Bishops and the chair of the West Africa Committee on Episcopacy, the UMC bishops approved the assignment of Bishop John Schol, Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa and Bishop Patrick Streiff as the interim episcopal team to serve the Nigeria Episcopal Area through December 2024. Bishop Schol will serve as the lead bishop, and Bishop Nhiwatiwa will join Bishop Schol when he travels to Nigeria.

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Letter from Bishops Emmanuel and Schol

Sunday, the 15th of December 2024, will be a day seared into our memory for the rest of our lives. As your bishops, we are saddened and bewildered by the senseless murder of innocent people in the name of denominational loyalty.

The United Methodist Church in Nigeria – Timeline

The United Methodist Church in Nigeria – Timeline

From 2004 through 2024, The United Methodist Church in Nigeria has had eight bishops. Two of them died while in office, one served 12 years, one was elected in November 2024, three served as interim bishops from 2006 to 2012 and one served as interim starting in August 2024. This amount of change in leadership has impacted the people, mission and ministry.

The Fact Sheet

With specific referenceto Nigeria United Methodism United Methodist Church Brief History The United Methodist Church began in the 1700’s as a group of Christians that sought to assist and support the work of all Christians to grow and develop faith in others and serve...